§ 72-1-202. Executive director of department -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Term -- Responsibility -- Power to bring suits -- Salary.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The governor, after consultation with the commission and with the consent of the Senate, shall appoint an executive director to be the chief executive officer of the department.
    (b) The executive director shall be a qualified executive with technical and administrative experience and training appropriate for the position.
    (c) The executive director shall remain in office until a successor is appointed.
    (d) The executive director may be removed by the governor.
    (2) In addition to the other functions, powers, duties, rights, and responsibilities prescribed in this chapter, the executive director shall:
    (a) have responsibility for the administrative supervision of the state transportation systems and the various operations of the department;
    (b) have the responsibility for the implementation of rules, priorities, and policies established by the department and the commission;
    (c) have full power to bring suit in courts of competent jurisdiction in the name of the department as the executive director considers reasonable and necessary for the proper attainment of the goals of this chapter;
    (d) receive a salary, to be established by the governor within the salary range fixed by the Legislature in Title 67, Chapter 22, State Officer Compensation, together with actual traveling expenses while away from the executive director's office on official business; and
    (e) purchase all necessary equipment and supplies for the department.
Amended by Chapter 78, 2013 General Session